"However, all existing claims are based on cross-country correlations that do not exclude the possibility of spurious correlation. We merged country-age-level case statistics with the start/termination years of BCG vaccination policy and conducted a regression discontinuity and difference-in-difference analysis.
The results do not support the BCG hypothesis."
и хватит уже так переживать) Говорю вам, займитесь лучше пропагандой курения, ведь французские учёные точно ДОКАЗАЛИ корреляцию о курильщиках и covid19))
the mortality rate. COVID-19 has increased lethality with age7
. We wondered if countries that
established a universal BCG policy earlier would have a reduced mortality rate, as older people
that are more severely affected by COVID-19 would be protected. We analyzed the data from 28
countries where we had access to the start of the universal BCG vaccination policy. There was a
positive significant correlation (ρ=0.44, p=0.02, linear correlation) between the year of the
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medRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.24.20042937.this version posted March 28, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint
establishment of universal BCG vaccination and the mortality rate, consistent with the idea that
the earlier that a policy was established, the larger fraction of the elderly population would be
protected (see Figure 2, left panel). For instance, Iran has a current universal BCG vaccination
policy but it just started in 1984, and has an elevated mortality with 19.7 deaths per million
inhabitants. In contrast, Japan started its universal BCG policy in 1947 and has around 100 times
less deaths per million people, with 0.28 deaths. Brazil started universal vaccination in 1920 and
also has an even lower mortality rate of 0.0573 deaths per million inhabitants.