Ubuntu touch GSIthis is very early build, almost nothing works
if you are not familiar with gnu/linux i suggest to not try at all
How to install:
0) Install treble compatible android 9 rom
1) FORMAT data in twrp
2) Flash halium-boot.img of your device
3) Flash GSI zip
https://build.lolinet.com/file/halium/GSI/ubports_GSI_installer_v1.zipif there's no halium-boot for your device, build it without android environment!
1) Get kernel source
2) Patch defconfig using this script:
https://github.com/erfanoabdi/halium-boot/blob/master/check-kernel-config3) Build kernel and flash it (using anykernel or any other way)
4) Flash
1) Password is "phablet"
2) To connect to shell use
ssh phablet@
3) if u got crash to "Failed to boot" on networks, flash
https://build.lolinet.com/file/halium/GSI/tools/Halium-boot_no_console_patch.zip (in this stage u have telnet on port 23)