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Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом

2017 March 01
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Центр разработки крупнейшей швейцарской телеком компании с офисом в Роттердаме (Нидерланды) ищет:

Senior iOS (Swift) developers
50-60k gross

Senior Android developers
50-60k gross

Senior UX (mobile and web) Designers
41-55k gross

Релокейт пакет: билеты в Нидерланды для всей семьи, поиск квартиры, оплата 1го месяца аренды, оформление документов по прибытию, 30% ruling application (помощь в подаче на уменьшеные налогов)

Корпоративный язык в компании - английский, есть русскоязычные сотрудники.

!!! Вопросы, резюме и тд на (Anna Symonenko)

#eu #europe #netherlands
2017 March 02
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
XBT Holding ( приглашает Cloud System Administrator в Лимассол (Кипр)

- администрирование кластеров на базе OpenStack, Ceph и внутренних сервисов
- System Administrator, DevOps Engineer от 2 лет;
- чтение|support Python и/или Ruby;
- Linux (Coreutils, Bash), Xen/KVM, git-buildpackage, dpkg, jenkins, Chef/Ansible
- Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate English

- помощь в организации переезда (оформление рабочей визы и визы для членов семьи, компенсацию переезда - перелет, трансфер до места; первая неделя-две в гостинице);
- достойный уровень зп (минимальная вилка 2к после налогов - минимально разрешенная зп для иностранцев), для сравнения - рента большая 2-х комнатной квартиры стоит около 550 Евро в месяц

Контакт HR - (резюме на английском и пару слов о себе)

2017 March 07
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
GogoVan (, быстро растущий стартап (уже расширился на несколько стран), ищет квалифицированных разработчиков с релокейтом в Гонконг.

Открытые позиции:

* Data Scientist / Data Analyst
* Android Software Engineer
* DevOps Engineer
* Senior Manager / Director, Product Management
* Manager / Senior Manager, Software Development
* Windows Phone C# Software Engineer
* Product Associate
* JavaScript Software Engineer
* iOS Software Engineer
* Ruby on Rails Software Engineer

Помогаем с визой, рилокейт пекедж.
Зааплаиться можно по ссылке, а вопросы задать по почте

Зарплаты сеньоров ~30k-45k HKD (~4k-5,8k USD) в месяц

#hongkong #china
2017 March 30
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом

Требуется J2EE с опытом от 2 лет с релокейтом в Познань, Польша (
Работа в брокерской фирме, зп - 2300$ уже с вычетом налогов.

От себя добавлю - Познань находится очень удобно - меньше чем в 3 часах езды до Берлина, 5 до Праги и 3 до Варшавы (поезд).

Можно сравнить уровень и стоимость жизни:

- Киев vs Познань -
- Москва vs Познань -

Контак - @Anna563

#poland #java
2017 April 03
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Годовой проект (срочный контракт) на один из европейских банков, Senior Java developer, плюс:
- Python
- Angular
- J2EE
- разговорный английский

Формат работы - месяц в Москве, 3 месяца в Милане (Италия)
Расходы на транспорт и проживание компенсирует компания (RASSE)

Наш контакт в телеграме @emoroz

#italy #java
2017 April 04
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Быстрорастущий немецкий B2B банк Wirecard ( недавно приобрел
американское подразделение Citibank; в связи с этим требуются
Mid/Senior Java разработчики и QA автоматизаторы.
Основной офис компании находися в Мюнхене (München Aschheim), столице Баварии.

официальное название позиции Software Developer and Quality Engineer in Issuing Technology

Обязанности: Разработка бэкэнд продуктов компании Wirecard

Требования на Java разработчика:
1. Английский язык
2. Отличное знание Java 7/8
3. Отличное знание Spring DI, Hibernate
4. Junit/TestNg, Mockito
5. SQL, Oracle
6. опыт разработки REST сервисов
7. Опыт работы в Agile/SCRUM
8. Git, Gradle/Maven, Intellij IDEA

Будет плюсом:
- Знание немецкого
- Опыт работы в финансовом секторе, понимание принципа работы Visa/Mastercard.

Работа в интернациональной команде
Рождественский бонус
Годовой бонус по результатам работы (согласовывается с teamlead)
Бюджет на релокацию в Мюнхен

Telegram : @Igorek
WhatsApp : +49 176 64704018

#java #germany
2017 April 05
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
3 positions in #Berlin, #Germany:

1) #FullStack developer (Big Data analysis, cloud and mobile app development for smart vehicles)

- University degree
- Vanilla JS, ES6, AngularJS and CSS3
- JS MVC experience
- WebSockets and RTA
- Fluent English

Compensation and benefits:
- 50-70k gross (euro)
- Relocation assistance
- Visa sponsorship
- your own smart vehicle!


2) #DevOps (Big Data analysis, cloud and mobile app development for smart vehicles)
- Javascript (desire to learn NodeJs)
- MongoDB, REST API, web services, WebSockets
- Software Testing, CI/CD
- Docker and/or Kubernetes
- Fluent English

Compensation and benefits:
- 50-70k gross (euro)
- Relocation assistance
- Visa sponsorship
- your own smart vehicle!


3) Senior #DevOps
- 3 years managing a consumer oriented site with a high traffic
- Linux (Ubuntu/debian)
- TCP/IP, networking concepts, firewalls, load balancers, routing, DNS
- Cloud systems, provisioning tools, virtualization, monitoring
- Puppet, Chef
- Automated testing
- Ruby/Java/Python/Shell or any other scripting language is desirable

Compensation and benefits:
- 50-65k gross (euro)
- Relocation assitance (document consulting, coverage of flight and living arrangements)
- Courses, trainings
- Summer/Winter activities


Contact: @Kate_Relocate
2017 April 06
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
#Eindhoven, #Netherlands (

Senior #C++ Software developer/Component team lead (software services for automation navigation):

- 5 years software development, 3 years team lead experience
- C++, Embedded, Linux, DB systems
- English, University degree

Compensation and benefits:
- 60-65k euro
- 13th salary
- 25 vacation days, 5 compensatio ndays, 8% holiday allowance (one vacation week == 5 days, not 7)
- Flexible work hours, trainings
- pension and health insurance plans
- relocation package + visa sponsorship


#Tettnang, #Germany (

Senior #QA Automation Engineer (chromium-based browser):


- 5 years QA, 3 years automated testing experience
- C#, python, other languages us a plus
- CI/bug tracking (Atlassian)
- Agile

Additional optional skills:
- C++
- Leading QA team
- Chromium project experience

Compensation and benefits:
- 50-60k euro
- relocation assistance (visa application process support, document consulting, coverage of flight, visa sponsorship for you and your family)


Contact: @Kate_Relocate
2017 April 07
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
USCIS окончил принятие заявок на рабочую визу (H1-B) в США на будущий 2018 год ( Все места были заполнены всего за 3-4 дня. Это значит что вакансий в США с переездом не будет примерно до следующего января (за исключением некоторых нюансов).

Напоминаю, что кроме H1-b визы все еще остаются некоторые варианты - L1 (перевод внутри своей же компании из отдела вне США после 1 года работы), J1 (стажировка), O1 (лица с выдающимися способностями).

#news #usa
2017 April 10
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Крутая вакансия в #Booking в #Amsterdam, #Netherlands: ищут #SRE Team Lead управлять командой из 4-6 Site Reliability Engineers. Переезд и хорошая зарплата. Вопросы можно задавать в телеграм @Civiloid, резюме ему же или
2017 April 11
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Senior #PHP developer в #London #UK,

Русскоязычная команда, помощь с визами для всей семьи, переездом (10000 фунтов), английским (для переезда надо сдать IELTS, компания содействует в этом), высокая зарплата, офис в Сохо (центральном районе Лондона) и многое другое. Посмотреть как компания балует своих сотрудников можно в их инстаграме -

Немного подробнее о вакансии -

Резюме можно слать напрямую Ксюше -
2017 April 12
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
2 вакансии в #Berlin, #Germany:

1) #DevOps engineer,, 75-85k euro, relocation assistance:

SW Devlopment: Java/Nodejs, Cloud, Git, CI/CD ,Jenkins, SonarQube, JIRA, API management), excellent English language skills, German is a plus.

2) #TechLead,, up to 90k euro, relocation assistance:

- Lead the technical development of our data driven story discovery technology as CTO
- Build and manage an entire tech team from scratch (Berlin, Remote)
- Manage functional requirements / interact with stakeholder
- Write JavaScript code (based on nodeJS, ReactJS, etc.)
- Set up a serverless infrastructure (AWS Lambda)
- Helping with automation of testing and development processes (CI, CD)

Контакт - @katanatasha,
2017 April 13
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Two great positions in #Germany:

1) #PHP, #MySQL, #Redis developer for #Munich, #Germany, up to 75k euro, Unu electric scooter of your choice as "company car" (see, regular team events, 5+ weeks of vacation, relocation support:

- Strong PHP, MySQL and Redis experience is important. Some exposure to Scala or another JVM-based / functional language would be valuable. Interest or experience with DevOps is a definite plus
- Git, Unit testing
- Strong written and spoken English skills

2) Senior Software #Engineer (#Mobile), up to 90k euro, game development, 5+ weeks of vacation, language classes, subsidized meals, coffee, fruits, snacks.

- Extensive knowledge of NoSQL datastores (Hadoop, HBase, MongoDB) and of server-side technology for mobile games
- Experience with iOS or Android development
- Fluency in English
- 5+ years of SW development
- Concurrency and socket programming is a must

Contacts - @katanatasha,
2017 April 16
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
It's #Frontend time!

1) Senior #Frontend #Developer, #Amsterdam, #Netherlands, €60k, relocation support:

- full time client frontend (lead) developer (javascript, css, html) and a consultant
- vanilla js, modern js frameworks and Api-s
- style and UX skills
- using patterns (MVC, widgets, modular)
- analytical support to customer challenges and alternative solutions
- good presentation and training skills (!)

2) #Frontend #developer, #Munich, #Germany, up to €70k, relocation support:

- good knowledge in JavaScript, Angular, Gulp/Grunt, HTML5 and CSS
- experience with RESTful API
- when and what to test (Unit Tests, E2E Tests)
- strong written and spoken English skills

Offer: working in the heart of Munich, free drinks, fruit and coffee as well as special rates at 'Elements' Gym around the corner of the office

Contacts - @katanatasha,
2017 April 19
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
#Oracle набирает новую команду #DevOps в #Brno, #Чехия #Czech (поддержка инфраструктур Monexa, OpenAir) . Требования: опыт от трёх лет, Ansible/Salt/Puppet, bash, Python, будет плюсом знание #Perl. Подробнее:

Резюме на английском слать @br0ziliy
2017 April 20
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
#UI / #UX developer for web applications, #Berlin, #Germany, up to 75k euro, relocation support:

Detailed description:

Contacts: @katanatasha,
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Рубрика #freelance

#Netflix ищет фрилансеров для перевода субтитров с хорошей оплатой (прайс лист - Среди языков, в том числе, русский.

Судя по документу (выше), Netflix готов платить 10 долларов за минуту русских субтитров, сделанных на основе английской звуковой дорожки. Больше всего заплатят тем, кто готов создавать японские субтитры — до 30 долларов за минуту.

Для сравнения, одна серия House of Cards идет примерно 50 минут, что выходит в 500 долларов.

Чтобы вступить в программу, пользователю придётся пройти 90-минутный тест, где ему нужно продемонстрировать свои знания английского языка, а также способность переводить идиоматические фразы и находить лингвистические и технические ошибки.

Начинайте переводить - :)
2017 April 23
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
Today's new jobs:  Java, PHP, UI/UX @ Germany

1) #Java developer @ #Munich, #Germany, up to 70k euro, relocation support, free drinks, fruit and coffee as well as special rates at 'Elements'- Gym around the corner of the office:

- Java, Hibernate, Spring, MySQL, RESTful APIs, Unit Tests, E2E Tests, strong written and spoken English skills
- High autonomy and working with a modern tech stack: Java, Spring (Boot), Hibernate, MySQL, AWS, Angular, Gulp, Bower, Docker, Git, Maven, Intellij IDEA, Slack

2) #UI / #UX lead, @ #Munich, #Germany (same as above), up to 80k, Detailed description:

3) #PHP developer @ #Hamburg, #Germany, 50k euro,,free entry to one of Europe's largest Developer Conferences: CodeTalks,  employee discounts in all company shop, regular company events (parties, sport events, LAN sessions, BBQ), language and yoga classes at no extra charge, fresh fruits daily and free drinks of all kind, help in the visa application and relocation process:

- Good #php 5 knowledge, practical experience with Laravel (alternatively Codeigniter, Kohana or FuelPHP) and MySQL and key value stores like redis (alternatively AP-Cache or Memcache), git, javascript as a plus

4) #PHP Director (Director of Software Development), 80-85k euro, #Hamburg, #Germany (+ same benefits as above + many additional benefits):

- great knowledge of GIT and Git-Flowm PHP5, MySQL, at least one MVC PHP Framework (f.e. Laravel, Yii, Zend Framework, Symfony), at least one JavaScript Framework is an advantage (f.e. EmberJS, AngularJs, VueJS), experiences with agile software development and in leading a development team, very good written and spoken English skills, German is an advantage

Contacts - @katanatasha,
2017 April 26
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
#Berlin, #Germany:

1. #Linux SysAdmin (#DevOps)

One of the world's dominant providers of original in-store customer solutions is looking for a #Linux #SysAdmin. Salary up to 60k gross (by interview results). We provide a relocation with visa sponsorship.

You will support availability, performance and scalability of the company’s infrastructure. In the OPS team, you will face with the product design, implementation and maintenance..

What you need:
•Proficiency in Linux, including Puppet, MySQL, and no-SQL databases;
•Prior experiences with Jira, Confluence or ldap is desirable;
•Skilled at Virtualization, Load balancing and networking;
•“Doer” mentality and teamwork skills are absolutely vital;
•Excellent English knowledge, both written and spoken.

2. #JavaScript Web Developer. Berlin, Germany

One of the world's dominant providers of original in-store customer solutions is looking for a #JavaScript developer. Salary up to 60k gross (by interview results). We provide a relocation with visa sponsorship

You will have an opportunity to flourish and take advantage of your natural creativity in our energetic product team! On the other hand, we are looking for a deep fascination with software development process, endless wish to learn, design, simplify and dream up something new in all candidates.

What you need:

•Background with establishment and launch of new products or features would be ideal;
•Fantastic skills with JavaScript and passion about the fresh technology updates in JS community;          
•Thorough knowledge of HTML5, CSS and web APIs;
•Great insight into Object Oriented Programming and Design Patterns;          
•Flux application architecture competence;              
•Bravery and good background in face of work with libraries like React, webpack, Babel;
•Experience with single-page apps development process;
•Ability to take part in server-side advancement (Hapi, express);
•Familiarity with “Git-Kung fu” would be appreciated;
•English language proficiency.

3. #Java Developer

One of the world's dominant providers of original in-store customer solutions is looking for a #Java developer. Salary up to 60k gross (by interview results). We provide a relocation with visa sponsorship.

Your proactivity and affinity to Agile ideas, growth mindset and love for sharing knowledge, creating and simplifying, awareness about the most up-to-date trends in IT is totally something that will make this opening perfect for you and will set you apart from other candidates.

What you need:

•4+ years of experience in the equivalent field;
•Strong Agile mentality and application of Agile approach in your work routine;
•Creation of variety of automated regression tests isn`t a problem for you;
•Clean and high-quality code writing skills;
•Great knowledge of Object-orientated programming;
•Fine understanding of functional-style programming would be advantageous;
•Advanced skills operating  API documentation, complete API calls, and create and carry out an own API;
•Excellent grasp of Java Standard Edition 8 and enterprise advancement through Java EE 7 (JPA, JMS, Servlet) or the Spring Framework;
•Background with JBoss WildFly 9 and Oracle DB;
•Proven expertise in NoSQL databases (ElasticSearch would be advantageous);
•Good skills with Vaadin would be appreciated;
•Advanced English skills;
•Affinity for Agile approaches and excellent team player.

Contact: @Kate_Relocate
2017 April 27
Jobs abroad - Работа за рубежом
#Berlin, #Germany:

1. Software #Test Developer for #Android

By joining this dynamic European startup, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to challenge yourself and expand your strength as a Software Test Developer. Your focus would be automating a large percentage of test cases for efficient testing. Salary 45-65K gross (by interview results). We provide a relocation with visa sponsorship.

What you need:

•Bachelor’s degree is required (preferably technical one);
•Passionate about Android app testing;
•At least 1 year of experience in programming or automation;
•Java programming skills;
•Able to multitask and work in a dynamic environment;
•Good written and verbal English skills;
•Good working with teams and independently;
•Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or equivalent (Master's degree preferred).

2. #iOS developer

Use a chance to implement your iOS developer skills in the best way. A company creates apps for managing personal digital privacy. Salary: 50-60K gross. We provide a relocation with visa sponsorship.

What you need:

•Proficiency in software engineering;
•Profound expertise in iOS development;
•Pаssіоnаte about fast product iteration;
•Prior experience in producing high-quality apps;
•Great comprehension of cryptography and security engineering would be a plus;
•Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience;
•Thirst for knowledge mind;
•Good written and verbal English skills.

Contact: @Kate_Relocate