Кстати, в гонконгских тюрьмах кормят значительно лучше, чем на карантине. Можно даже заказывать индийскую и европейскую хавку.
Prisoners everywhere complain of prison food, but they have little to complain of in Hong Kong's penal facilities. Meals, which are designed by dieticians, are ample, well-balanced and varied. Vegetables, fruit, meat and fish are provided in sufficient amounts, and the kitchen areas are clean. CSD officers taste the food before each meal is served, recording their reactions in a log book.
In order to accommodate prisoners' culturally based dietary preferences, the prisons provide different diets for different ethnic groups. They offer, in particular, an "Asian" (Chinese) diet, a vegetarian diet (to accommodate Buddhist religious beliefs), an Indian/Pakistani diet, and a European diet.53 In addition, prisoners needing special diets for medical reasons, such as diabetes, are also accommodated.