The other day I built a crawler that checks links on your website to see if there are any links that you can update from HTTP to HTTPS. You can find it at
I came up with an implementation that abstracts the coordination using channels and I would like to share it in this article.
I'm super pumped that my new book Machine Learning with Go is now available! Writing the book allowed me to get a complete view of the current state of machine learning in Go, and let's just say that I'm pretty excited to see how the community growing! In the book...
Привет, меня зовут Илья, я работаю в Avito и хочу позвать Go-разработчиков на митап, который будет проходить в эту субботу, 14-го октября, у нас в офисе при...
At DigitalOcean, we’ve used a “mono repo” called cthulhu to organize our Go code for nearly three years. A mono repo is a monolithic code repository which contains many different projects and libraries. Bryan Liles first wrote about cthulhu in early 2015, and I authored a follow-up post in
In past couple of years, there is a rise of new programming language: Go or GoLang. Nothing makes a developer crazy than a new programming language, right? So, I started learning Go before 4 to 5 months and here I am going to tell you about why you should also learn this new language.
tl;drIt is possible to flush the http.ResponseWriter with the help of http.Flusher and create a responsive feedback for users that dont have JavaScript enabled.
Привет! Как и обещали, сегодня мы готовы отвечать на вопросы про бэкенд в Avito, разработку серверной части в целом и про высокие нагрузки в частности. Как...