Oracle Application Container Cloud now has support for Go (golang) in addition to its existing set of runtimes which include Node.js, Java SE, Java EE, Python, PHP and Ruby
In Go it’s typical to return errors as soon as they happen and handle them locally, or wrap them with some additional context and pass them back up the stack. In Scala however it’s idiomatic to wrap an error into a Try which represents either a successfully computed value or an error.
In the previous post, we covered some of the basics of go-micro and Docker. We also introduced a second service. In this post, we're going to look at docker-compose, and how we can run our services together locally a little easier. We're going to introduce some different databases, and finally we'll introduce a third service into the mix.
In many ways Go is a clean break from our past programming sins, but it feels as though logging is still an area where people cling on to unnecessary practices from other languages. #golang #logging
In recent years, since the arrival of D3.js, whenever there is a task involving charts or graph visualisation I tend to gravitate towards JavaScript libraries.
В продолжение эпопеи с дистрибутивно-семантическими пирожками (и в погоне за модными тенденциями) решил переписать веб-сервис с лапидарного Питона на прогрессивный Go. Заодно был вынужден перенести и всю «интеллектуальную» часть (благо, не бином Ньютона). Сделать это оказалось куда проще и приятней, чем предполагал в начале. Впрочем, на медово-синтаксическом празднике жизни не обошлось без ложки дёгтя — самая быстрая гошная «числодробилка», какую смог найти (mat из gonum) таки уступила по скорости питоновской связке numba + numpy.
A regular hash function turns a key (a string or a number) into an integer. Most people will know them as either the cryptographic hash functions (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc) or their smaller non-cryptographic counterparts frequently encountered in hash tables (the map keyword in Go)
This is the blog post form for the latest justforfunc episode of the same title. And the code for the program can be found here, in the justforfunc repository.