Короче, я предполагаю, что в развитых странах этот процент не так сильно бы отличался. Могу ошибаться. Сейчас посмотрел вот это:
In Canada, 2017-2018 data provided by Statistics Canada indicate an overall rate of conviction of 62% (of those charged in adult court). This is much lower than one might infer from the 3.6% acquittal rate because 1/3rd of the cases are withdrawn (either directly or indirectly via a "Crown Stay") before they reach a verdict. According to Canadian trial lawyer Kim Schofield, the effective conviction rate falls from 62% to approximately 50% if one excludes guilty pleas and deals.[1]
China Edit
In China, the justice system has a conviction rate of 99.9% in 2014.[2] Out of 1.2 million tried, only 1,039 were found not guilty - an acquittal rate of around 0.08 per cent.