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2019 November 19
Devops Talks
File descriptors, Unix sockets and other POSIX wizardry - еще одно видео с PyCon.
Devops Talks
Выложили доклады с DevOpsDays Singapore 2018

Интересный доклад из серии "а как там у них устроено"
The Evolution of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) at

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Devops Talks
Подкаст  @podlodkanews запилил большой выпуск про SRE
2019 November 20
Devops Talks
Деплой в VM, Nomad, Kubernetes, Павел Агалецкий. Highload++ 2018

Интересная лекция. Советую
Devops Talks
In May, I predicted that backdoors in WhatsApp would keep getting discovered, and one serious security issue would follow another, as it did in the past [1]. This week a new backdoor was quietly found in WhatsApp [2]. Just like the previous WhatsApp backdoor and the one before it, this new backdoor made all data on your phone vulnerable to hackers and government agencies. All a hacker had to do was send you a video – and all your data was at the attacker’s mercy [3].

WhatsApp doesn’t only fail to protect your WhatsApp messages – this app is being consistently used as a Trojan horse to spy on your non-WhatsApp photos and messages. Why would they do it? Facebook has been part of surveillance programs long before it acquired WhatsApp [4][5]. It is naive to think the company would change its policies after the acquisition, which has been made even more obvious by the WhatsApp founder’s admission regarding the sale of WhatsApp to Facebook: “I sold my users’ privacy” [6].  

Following the discovery of this week’s backdoor, Facebook tried to confuse the public by claiming they had no evidence that the backdoor had been exploited by hackers [7]. Of course, they have no such evidence – in order to obtain it, they would need to be able to analyze videos shared by WhatsApp users, and WhatsApp doesn’t permanently store video files on its servers (instead, it sends unencrypted messages and media of the vast majority of their users straight to Google’s and Apple’s servers [8]). So – nothing to analyze – “no evidence”. Convenient.

But rest assured, a security vulnerability of this magnitude is bound to have been exploited – just like the previous WhatsApp backdoor had been used against human rights activists and journalists naive enough to be WhatsApp users [9][10]. It was reported in September that the data obtained as a result of the exploitation of such WhatsApp backdoors will now be shared with other countries by US agencies [11][12].

Despite this ever-increasing evidence of WhatsApp being a honeypot for people that still trust Facebook in 2019, it might also be the case that WhatsApp just accidentally implements critical security vulnerabilities across all their apps every few months. I doubt that – Telegram, a similar app in its complexity, hasn’t had any issues of WhatsApp-level severity in the six years since its launch. It’s very unlikely that anyone can accidentally commit major security errors, conveniently suitable for surveillance, on a regular basis.

Regardless of the underlying intentions of WhatsApp’s parent company, the advice for their end-users is the same: unless you are cool with all your photos and messages becoming public one day, you should delete WhatsApp from your phone.  

[1] – Why WhatsApp will never be secure

[2] – WhatsApp users urged to update app immediately over spying fears

[3] – WhatsApp Android and iOS users are now at risk from malicious video files

[4] – Everything you need to know about PRISM

[5] – NSA taps data from 9 major Net firms

[6] – WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton: 'I sold my users' privacy'

[7] – Hackers can use a WhatsApp flaw in the way it handles video to take control of your phone

[8] – WhatsApp is storing unencrypted backup data on Google Drive

[9] – WhatsApp hack led to targeting of 100 journalists and dissidents

[10] – Exclusive: Government officials around the globe targeted for hacking through WhatsApp - sources

[11] – Police can access suspects’ Facebook and WhatsApp messages in deal with US

[12] – Facebook, WhatsApp Will Have to Share Messages With U.K.
Devops Talks
К слову про пост типов, которые утверждали а статье, сто GnuPG это фу-фу, а вот вотсап это православно.

Ну, Паша не согласен с ними ))
2019 November 21
Devops Talks
И продолжая тему анонсов, несколько часов назад JFrog представили «JFrog Container Registry» — бесплатное Docker и Helm режистри, построенное на основе Artifactory 🐸🎉

Страница продукта:
#news #jfrog #artifactory
Devops Talks
Loki —  horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant система агрегации логов, вчера вышла в GA с версией v1.0.0 🎉🎉🎉

#loki #logging #news
Devops Talks
2019 November 24
Devops Talks
Компания Флант реализовала 3-way merge patches в werf — GitOps CLI-утилите для сборки и доставки приложений в Kubernetes. С новой фичей решена одна из ключевых проблем деплоя с Helm 2 — рассинхронизации ресурсов. Кроме того, поддерживается корректная работа с автоскейлерами Kubernetes и возможность удочерения ресурсов в релиз.
Анонс с подробностями:
Devops Talks
2019 November 27
Devops Talks
Go это прекрасные cli приложения. 🥰 И вот у одной из самых популярных библиотек для построения cli, зарелизилась v2.
2019 November 30
Devops Talks
kubeapps - Your Application Dashboard for Kubernetes
Devops Talks
Kubernetes how to от bitnami -
2019 December 03
Devops Talks
Building Secure and Reliable Systems
SRE and Security Best Practices

Превью новой книги от Google по построению безопасных и надежных систем. Полная версия книги выйдет в марте 2020 года.

Heather Adkins, Betsy Beyer, Paul Blankinship, Piotr Lewandowski, Ana Oprea, and Adam Stubbleeld

2019 December 04
Devops Talks
Helm Charts Best Practices от Jfrog, очень интересная статья, с кучей лайфхаков, например они показывают в статье, как отредактировать deployment.yaml так, что-бы можно было использовать private docker registry.
Devops Talks
Make Ingress-Nginx Work for you, and the Community - Fernando Diaz, IBM (Any Skill Level) -
Devops Talks
Запилить для вас статью на тему моего личного опыта использования Kubernetes в high load production, со всеми плюхами: как мы деплоим, как используем или не используем nginx-ingress, как вообще все организовано.
Анонимный опрос
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2019 December 05
Devops Talks
AWS запустили EC2 Image Builder — сервис для сборки пользовательских AMI образов, пока что поддерживает Amazon Linux 2 and Windows Server.
P.S. Но Packer все еще выглядит более продвинутым и универсальным)
#news #aws
2019 December 06
Devops Talks