Мощный отчет Motherboard/Guardian/Süddeutsche Zeitung/NYT о том, как при пересечении границы Китая туристов заставляют устанавливать шпионское ПО на их смартфоны с Android, которое сканирует сообщения, адресную книгу, фотографии и тд.
The following information is gathered:
• All calendar entries, phone contacts, country codes and dialed numbers;
• General information about the Phone (IMEI, IMSI, PhoneSN, WifiMac,
BluetoothMac, and if the device is rooted);
• Information about the Android Model (CPU_ABI, BOARD, HARDWARE);
• All stored text messages (SMS);
• Information about the current base-station;
• Information about the used hardware (Mac Addresses);
• All information accessible for various installed apps + an MD5 hash of the app;
• Mac Addresses;
• Current phone number;
• Extracted information searched by the GetVirAccount application which searches
the /sdcard for specific data of specific China-related apps. This information contains phone numbers and email addresses.
https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/7xgame/at-chinese-border-tourists-forced-to-install-a-text-stealing-piece-of-malwareи технический отчет