As you know, Yomichan is a a pop up dictionary that allows you to look up unknown words with the hover of a mouse. On top of that Yomichan can be set up to create Anki cards from the words which you look up. This archive contains all Yomichan dictionaries that I know of.
As you know, Yomichan is a a pop up dictionary that allows you to look up unknown words with the hover of a mouse. On top of that Yomichan can be set up to create Anki cards from the words which you look up. This archive contains all Yomichan dictionaries that I know of.
eng-jap это костыль для новичков. по старому гайду Мэтта когда ты стартуешь японский с нуля, то после РТК учишь 2000 jap-eng карт, а потом переходишь на ja-ja.