Revision 2020 Online - Competition rules updated and ticket sale online
We've updated the competition rules for Revision Online to adjust for the additional challenges we're facing with a streaming-only event. Generally this shouldn't affect you much but it might require a bit more work on your side. Please have a look at the rules here.'ve also thought a lot about ticket options and we came up with the following solution.
Most important of all: The stream will be free of charge so you don’t need a ticket for that. But if you want to participate in the competitions with your entry and your votes, you still need a ticket.
Since we're still dealing with expenses - even though it's much less than doing the full event - we adjusted the ticket prices to the following:
• Regular ticket: 20 EUR
• I love Revision Ticket (incl. a t-shirt and shipping): 65 EUR
• I totally love Revision Ticket (incl. a t-shirt, shipping and some extra gratitude): 130 EUR
• Supporter Tickets (including a special t-shirt, shipping and lots of extra gratitude) 250 EUR and up
• T-shirt: 20 EUR (incl. shipping)
The new tickets are available now.