Подскажите пожалуйста, почему, когда у меня в 1 файле несколько отдельных пулов, у меня не получается настроить Messaging между ними, а когда они в отдельных файлах, то все отлично? Как исправить ситуацию. Ругается на message correlation.
Hi Team.. I would like to know how to do this camunda. There is a parent process and this is invoking a child process using call activity. In the child process, I need to terminate or abort this process instance based on the need and the control should not go back to parent process. The process should end in child process itself. I have tried with terminate event and cancel event but the control is going back to parent process and the flow is going on. Can anyone let me know how to achieve this?
thing you are trying to achieve sounds wrong architecture wise. Why don't you just add an additional gateway right after the call activity? Here is a sample