As far as I heard, Anwar wanted to join the team as a Creator of real liquidity on the stock exchanges, public relations, an activist in social networks, but at least as an Intern and assistant for any of the team. But mostly of course as a practicing trader to solve problems with the course and create a separate Fund to maintain at least some activity from the team in this regard. As far as I know ,for the idea ,not for the salary : What do you think about it?
Do you have the user name? By the name I didn’t realized who exactly is, I’ve received a couple ideas of some guys but I’m not sure if is the same guy that you’re talking.
But totally, the fund should be separated, treasury fund it’s not enough for it and it’s not the main goal of the treasury. And the idea yes, should be accompanied with social relationships to avoid be the only market maker because eventually the market maker broke if doesn’t support the market