@callistotip_bot был добавлен в чат, давайте потестим все вместе! Автор:
@Kutuk ℹ Help
Tipping bot for Callisto Network
Bot discussion thread: CallistoTelegramTipbot
/register - Register your tip bot wallet
/balance - Check current balance of you wallet
/deposit - See deposit address for filling up your wallet
/withdraw - Withdraw funds from tip-bot wallet.
( Usage: /withdraw toWalletAddress value)
/tip - tip user (min value = 1 CLO)
( Usage: /tip
@toUserName value )
/giveaway - Giveaway coins in a group to first who claim (min value = 1 CLO)
( Usage: /giveaway value )
/operations - View your history of tips and withdrawals
/start — Start dialog with Bot
/help — This help menu
❗️ Notes:
1️⃣do not tip users with empty UserName - they will NOT get it
2️⃣all commands (except /tip & /giveaway) use only in this chat
Tipping dev-fee = 1% (min 1 CLO)
tip author: 0xe6beB1893cE07b13e68f285Cc485Ae64F2Fc9784