Вопрос : 2) It was stated that CLO is not an ideal blockchain so some features are not suitable for Callisto. This causes a question: Is is planned to switch into a new blockchain architecture? Ответ: Yes it is planned. It is not yet decided which exactly protocol we will use, but it is likely that we will be developing a modification of EOS network. Default EOS has a number of issues that I will describe 2 weeks later.
Самый пессимистичный вариант: . Now we could switch to another protocol if necessary and we can definitely do this if the price will drop significantly and we will be unable to upkeep the network. The described solution is to turn CLO into a token on top of a larger network. For example: turn CLO into a token at EOS mainnet.
Для тех, кто интересовался, сколько монет у Декса) : If you have the half of CLO hashrate then you are that miner who is dumping hard, aren’t you? I was talking about holding a stake of CLO, not the hashrate. I’m not mining CLO.