📔 Title: Practical System Programming with C: Pragmatic Example Applications in Linux and Unix-Based Operating Systems
🌐 Lang.: English
🧔 Author: Sri Manikanta Palakollu
🕘 Year: 2021
📑 Pages: 286
#️⃣ ISBN: 978-1-4842-6320-4
📝 Description: ---
The main goal of this book is to introduce system programming using the C language. The topics covered in this book teach you how to programmatically manipulate Linux and POSIX-based operating systems. The wide variety of topics include:
• The basics of the Linux operating system
• Multithreaded programming in C
• Deadlocks
• An introduction to POSIX standards
• The need for processes and signals
• Various IPC techniques
• Developing client-server architecture using TCP and UDP protocols
The prerequisites for learning the concepts discussed in this book are
• A basic knowledge of the C programming language
• A basic knowledge of operating systems