"pointsTillNextRank": "Points required to unlock next rank:",
"rank-1Title": "Dark matter infinity being 😈",
"rank-1Description": "You have achieved the rank no human was able to achieve before! Congratulations, here is your pie: 🍰. It's not a lie this time.",
"rank0Title": "Subzero −273.15 °C 🥶",
"rank0Description": "It'd be a lot cooler if it could.",
"rank5Title": "V is for Vroductivive 👺",
"rank5Description": "Remember kids, if you drop productivity for less than 5 seconds and pick it up, you are safe!",
"rank13Title": "Happy Freddy 😱",
"rank13Description": "You know what day it is. It is the day Jason bakes a cake for you. Every day is this day now.",
"rank42Title": "Fisher 🐬",
"rank42Description": "So long! And thanks for all the fish!",
"rank69Title": "Nice master! 😝",
"rank69Description": "The nicest rank there is. Period.",
"rank85Title": "Mark-85 🦄",
"rank85Description": "One can say your productivity is made of Iron.",
"rank100Title": "100% force user ⚡️",
"rank100Description": "100 done, infinity to go! Keep going every day, it is worth it!",
"rank221Title": "Sherlock 😎",
"rank221Description": "You solved the productivity, well, good for you!",
"rank256Title": "Happy plumber 👾",
"rank256Description": "8 bits of productivity later you still think of good old games.",
"rank300Title": "Spartan 💪",
"rank300Description": "Clear your mind, simplify the routines, spend the next 100 points as a true Spartan!",
"rank404Title": "❓❓❓",
"rank404Description": "Rank not found.",
"rank777Title": "Lucky grandmaster! 🍀",
"rank777Description": "This rank only lasts 23 points. Make it count, it is your lucky day!",
"rank800Title": "T-800 🤖",
"rank800Description": "You are the terminator of dreadful frogs. Go terminate a few!",
"rank1337Title": "3L1T3 🧑💻",
"rank1337Description": "Productivity hacking is initiated... Hacking...",
"rank1338Title": "3L1T3 (Hacked) 🧑💻",
"rank1338Description": "Hacked productivity successfully!",
"rank2048Title": "Chess master ♔",
"rank2048Description": "You prefer productivity over endless pointless time-killing games, right? RIGHT?",
"rank9000Title": "Over 9000 power user 🏋️",
"rank9000Description": "You lift the tasks like they are nothing!",
"rank12800Title": "Doctor Manhattan ⚛️",
"rank12800Description": "You breakdown the tasks like you split the atoms. Keep up the good work!"