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Binance Russian

2021 March 04


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Игорь Кузнецов
Последнее время DeFi протоколы набирают популярность, скажите чем DODO выгодно отличается от таких протоколов как Uniswap, Curve ?
7) DeFi protocols are gaining its popularity, would you be so kind to tell us how does DODO compare with such protocols as UniSwap, Curve?


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
3) PancakeSwap's DEX recently allowed users to create their NFT profiles. Do you have any plans to provide such opportunities to your users?
NFT is a sector we have been researching and preparing for. We are looking to roll out a new, highly liquid and accessible NFT marketplace feature combined with our market making solutions.


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
3) PancakeSwap's DEX recently allowed users to create their NFT profiles. Do you have any plans to provide such opportunities to your users?
This feature is called DODO ART and we will be adding many more things to it. Please stay tuned!

By the way, PancakeSwap is one of our closest partners. You can currently stake CAKE to earn DODO rewards!


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Скажите пожалуйста насколько данные в смарт-контрактах защищены и есть ли гарантия что они не будут взломаны хакерами? Прошел ли проект DODO смарт аудит и какой компанией ?
8) 8.1 How secure the data in smart contracts is and are there any guarantees that the data will not be hacked?
8.2 Has DODO passed a smart audit and if so, by which company?


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
4) Is there a risk that Proactive Market Maker (PMM) with its algorithm will not help to increase trader's income, but, on opposite, will increase his losses? If so, how big is this risk?
Traders get the best prices on DODO. You can cross-reference the prices quoted by DODO with other aggregators (e.g. Debank) to see if that's true!


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Our SmartTrade algorithm finds the most optimal liquidity pools across DeFi.


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
Yes! DODO is a governance token so token holders will be able to create proposals and vote on them. This feature is being worked on and will be available very soon.
1) Да! DODO — это токен управления, поэтому держатели смогут выдвигать предложения и голосовать за них. Эта функция находится в стадии разработки и будет доступна очень скоро
Держатели могут голосовать за все предложения


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
So I would say that there is less risk of traders losing money with PMM, but of course, I cannot give financial advice on which tokens to buy and which ones not to buy. Please DYOR.


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
We have optimized the platform and largely solved the IL issue in minimizing it. Right now, liquidity providers for our pools are enjoying nice returns on their liquidity provision and staking.
2) Мы оптимизировали платформу и в значительной степени решили проблему IL, сведя ее к минимуму. Прямо сейчас поставщики ликвидности для наших пулов получают хорошую прибыль за предоставление ликвидности и по стейкингу
Я не даю финансовых рекомендаций. Пожалуйста, проведите собственное исследование (DYOR)


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
5) What are the main differences between DODO v2.0 and v1.5?
v2.0 added a lot of features and also included many UI/UX updates that make using the platform a lot easier and more interesting.


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Most notable features in 2.0 are:
DODO Vending Machine (Public Pool)
DODO Private Pool (Private Pool)
vDODO minting


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
NFT is a sector we have been researching and preparing for. We are looking to roll out a new, highly liquid and accessible NFT marketplace feature combined with our market making solutions.
3) NFT — это сектор, который мы активно изучаем. Мы стремимся развернуть новую высоколиквидную и доступную рыночную платформу NFT, сочетая там наши решения по маркетингу

Эта функция называется DODO ART, и мы будем активно развивать и добавлять много всего нового. Пожалуйста, следите за обновлениями.

Кстати, PancakeSwap — один из наших ближайших партнеров. В настоящее время вы можете стейкать CAKE, чтобы получить награды в DODO!


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
6) Could you tell us in more about the fight against bots in CROWDPOOLING?
So Crowdpooling runs for a longer period of time where every participant's staked amount is taken into account and tokens are distributed based on each participant's proportion in the overall pool. If you staked 1% of the pool, you get 1% of the tokens. Bots are useless in this scenario, because early joiners get no advantage.


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
Traders get the best prices on DODO. You can cross-reference the prices quoted by DODO with other aggregators (e.g. Debank) to see if that's true!
4) На DODO трейдеры получают лучшие цены. Вы можете сопоставить цены, указанные DODO, с ценами на других агрегаторах (например, Debank), чтобы узнать, правда ли это!

Наш алгоритм SmartTrade находит наиболее оптимальные пулы ликвидности в DeFi

Поэтому я бы сказал, что риск потери денег трейдерами с PMM меньший, но, конечно, я не даю финансовых рекомендаций на тему того, что покупать, а что нет. Пожалуйста, проводите собственный анализ (DYOR)


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
7) DeFi protocols are gaining its popularity, would you be so kind to tell us how does DODO compare with such protocols as UniSwap, Curve?
Sure, Uniswap is of course our biggest competitor. Uniswap's constant product formula x * y = k is a bit primitive and not very capital efficient. It overly relies on large amounts of capital to keep the liquidity sufficient. DODO can achieve the same liquidity with 1/10 of the capital, so we have a smaller need for big TVLs.

Sushi is a partner of ours and we recently did a joint AMA talking about our roadmap and vision:


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
DODO gives everyone the toolbox to build markets like Uniswap, Curve, and others.


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
v2.0 added a lot of features and also included many UI/UX updates that make using the platform a lot easier and more interesting.
5) На v2.0 было добавлено множество функций и обновлений UX/UI, что изменило процесс использования платформы и сделало его намного проще и интереснее
🔸 Главные особенности V2.0:
— Crowdpooling
— Торговый автомат DODO (публичный пул)
— DODO Private Pool (приватный пул)
— Возможность создания vDODO


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
Pluto (Binance Angel)🇷🇺
8) 8.1 How secure the data in smart contracts is and are there any guarantees that the data will not be hacked?
8.2 Has DODO passed a smart audit and if so, by which company?
The DODO smart contracts have been audited by leading security confirms (Trail of Bits and PeckShield). You can read our audit reports here: The reports are all publicly available and verified.


Pluto (Binance Angel... in Binance Russian
Ricky Wang
So Crowdpooling runs for a longer period of time where every participant's staked amount is taken into account and tokens are distributed based on each participant's proportion in the overall pool. If you staked 1% of the pool, you get 1% of the tokens. Bots are useless in this scenario, because early joiners get no advantage.
6) Crowdpooling работает в течение более длительного периода времени, когда учитывается сумма ставки каждого участника, а токены распределяются в зависимости от доли каждого участника в общем пуле. Если у вас 1% от пула, вы получаете 1% токенов. Боты в этом сценарии бесполезны, потому что ранние участники не получают никаких преимуществ


Ricky Wang in Binance Russian
We believe in security and invest a lot into ensuring it. That's why we have a $100,000 bug bounty program to encourage security professionals and DeFi natives to help us discover vulnerabilities.