INCIDENT: Alaska San Jose, Costa Rica to Los Angeles LAX (Boeing 737-800 N597AS) stopped the climb at 18,000ft eight minutes into the flight and has just diverted to Liberia, NW Costa Rica. Reason not yet known.
INCIDENT: Spirit Airlines Fort Lauderdale to Managua, Nicaragua (Airbus A321 N662NK 'Dumbo Movie' special livery) stopped the climb at 8,000ft & returned to FLL at 1610EDT (2010UTC) today. Reason not yet known.
Вчера у самолета Avro RJ 100 авиакомпании BRA совершавшей рейс BMA(Стокгольм)-MMX(Мальмо) отказал один из 4х двигателей , полет завершён успешно на трёх работающих.
INCIDENT: Jet2 Newcastle to Lanzarote (Boeing 737-800 G-JZHZ) turned back over the English Channel and diverted to Birmingham at 0920UK today. Reason not yet known. Did not squawk an emergency code. Thanks