вот ты ему и помоги товарищ) У тебя как раз на М1 мак миниХД
Не. Как минимум, мне лениво. Плюс я даже для тестов не хочу прикасаться к Майнкрафту Чисто принципиально. Во-вторых, оно так и так должно пойти — там требования ни о чём. В-третьих оно стоит 25$ — делать мне больше нечего… ))
Не. Как минимум, мне лениво. Плюс я даже для тестов не хочу прикасаться к Майнкрафту Чисто принципиально. Во-вторых, оно так и так должно пойти — там требования ни о чём. В-третьих оно стоит 25$ — делать мне больше нечего… ))
А сообщение тебе было не лень написать, товарищ. Вот ты и попал под горячую руку
Minecraft/ Rosetta 2: While testing Minecraft Java Edition at 1440 x 900 resolution on 'Fancy' (high) settings. The laptop could not handle Minecraft's 'Fabulous' (Ultra-High) settings. Throughout the duration of gameplay, I tried multiple different rendering distances and ended up staying with the max distance of 32 chunks, frame rates at 120, and maxing out the Biome Blend out to 15x15 as it ran smoothly with no noticeable issues. The only time I found latency was when the in-game weather began to start raining until it stopped but did not compromise gameplay a significant amount. The main issue I had was the inability to use the keypad to click the in-game buttons and place blocks. I had to change the key bindings to play the game successfully. Once that was completed, I built a Christmas-themed Charmander from the world phenomenon 'Pokemon' with ease. Finally, one continuous annoyance was the error code '0' that mentioned that the game had crashed even though I successfully exited it. Once the error message showed and tried to relaunch the game, it would crash, and I would need to try two or three times again to relaunch the game. The gameplay was great, apart from the crashing, but that doesn't surprise me for a simplistic game like Minecraft.
Minecraft/ Rosetta 2: While testing Minecraft Java Edition at 1440 x 900 resolution on 'Fancy' (high) settings. The laptop could not handle Minecraft's 'Fabulous' (Ultra-High) settings. Throughout the duration of gameplay, I tried multiple different rendering distances and ended up staying with the max distance of 32 chunks, frame rates at 120, and maxing out the Biome Blend out to 15x15 as it ran smoothly with no noticeable issues. The only time I found latency was when the in-game weather began to start raining until it stopped but did not compromise gameplay a significant amount. The main issue I had was the inability to use the keypad to click the in-game buttons and place blocks. I had to change the key bindings to play the game successfully. Once that was completed, I built a Christmas-themed Charmander from the world phenomenon 'Pokemon' with ease. Finally, one continuous annoyance was the error code '0' that mentioned that the game had crashed even though I successfully exited it. Once the error message showed and tried to relaunch the game, it would crash, and I would need to try two or three times again to relaunch the game. The gameplay was great, apart from the crashing, but that doesn't surprise me for a simplistic game like Minecraft.
Несмотря на то что iOS использует продвинутые алгоритмы шифрования, она использует их неэффективно. Это позволяет гораздо проще и быстрее взломать iPhone, чем и пользуются спецслужбы и хакеры https://appleinsider.ru/?p=445720
Вчера Samsung представила Galaxy S21, Galaxy S21 Ultra, наушники Galaxy Buds Pro и SmartTag. В S21 теперь пластик, экран 1080р, но и цена ниже. Ну что, эппл напрягся?