#7. Exclusive interview with Gradle Inc. founder and CEO Hans DockterWhile your app is compiling, you probably have enough time to listen to how Gradle is making our developer’s lives better with new tricks, tools and build speed improvements for sure. We’ve talked about gradle scripts with Kotlin, does Gradle have fundamental design issues, how much RAM you need and the most questionable topic: how much modules Android app should have.
Difficulty: Advanced
Topics discussed:
Brief history of Gradle and how Gradle met Android
Why Kotlin and is Gradle Kotlin DSL good for production now?
How tightly Gradle collaborates with JetBrains on IntelliJ Gradle support?
What is faster Gradle from terminal or Gradle from Android Studio?
How to prevent fake dependencies being loaded? How to avoid slow sources of jars/aars?
Many small modules or a few large ones? Who should prefer what? to improve build speed?
Remote build cache
Remote build execution
APT and KAPT. How they affect build
Incremental builds
I/o blocking operations inside tasks
What hardware config is best for regular Android dev?
Profiling your build
AS 4.0 Gradle Profiling
Gradle scans
SpeakersHost: Denis Nekliudov (Lyft)
Guests: Hans Dockter (Gradle Inc), Rooz Mohazzabi (Gradle Inc)