Hi friend,
My name is Zeng Qin, a staff member of Lloyds TSB Group Plc. Here
in Hong Kong attached to Private Banking Services. I have a
business proposal worth a substantial amount of money. I believe
you will be interested to know more about my proposition?
The plan; I, alone know of the existence of the deposit for as
far as the finance firm is concerned because any transaction with
our deceased customers stops being monitored once the funds are
in the private banking sector, all outstanding interactions in
relation to the file are just customer services and due process.
Well, the finance firm has no single idea of the history or
nature of the deposit, they are simply awaiting instructions to
release the deposit to any party that comes forward, and this is
the situation. This is why I have contacted you discreetly.
If you are interested in doing this deal with me then as a
professional banker I can guide you on how to receive the funds
without red flag, traces or anything that may damage our
reputation. But we must be extremely discreet about the whole
process until everything is transacted clean and clear,
I will guide you accordingly, with my many years of banking
experience, you can be rest assured that I am the only one who
can initiate and move the funds out of my bank without any
problems. It may also interest you that I shall be in charge of
the transfer from my bank to any nearby bank where we will have
full access to the funds.
So you have no reason to fear or worry about anything regarding
this project.
Please you must adhere and follow my instructions carefully and
diligently, if we must succeed.
I am ready to share 50/50 percentage with you upon completion.
I await your response.
Best wishes,