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2020 August 26


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Он живет в Белорусии или России ?


Каваёба in War Thunder Chat
Он живет в Белорусии или России ?
Хд, видно не фанат


Каваёба in War Thunder Chat


Каваёба in War Thunder Chat


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
В прошлом видео я по его намекам о проблемах в стране подумал что он имеет в виду Белоруссию


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Ммм срачи полков


Александр Фещенко... in War Thunder Chat
Ммм срачи полков
этот чел из дурдома


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Как хорошо что я сижу в малоизвестном никому не нужном полке где люди катают в свое удовольствие и не парятся что кого то выганят из за неактива


Александр Фещенко... in War Thunder Chat
Как хорошо что я сижу в малоизвестном никому не нужном полке где люди катают в свое удовольствие и не парятся что кого то выганят из за неактива
у меня рофлополк вообще


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Я вот не захожу 2 нелелю


Александр Фещенко... in War Thunder Chat
Для фарма говна за активность


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Мне не 30 но полк для тех кому за 30 )))))))))))):))));))))


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Видео "OTO R3 — танцуют все! | War Thunder" от Thorneyed
11727 просмотров * 26.08.2020
Like: 2310 Dislike: 11
Длительность: 1148 сек

#Thorneyed #Видео

War Thunder Стримы Видео
Любимый итальяно грабовоз


Max Strekalovskyi in War Thunder Chat
New controls:
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_BOMB";"Switch selected weapon to bombs"
"hotkeys/ID_FIRE_COMMON_HELICOPTER";"Fire selected weapon"
"hotkeys/ID_EXIT_SHOOTING_CYCLE_MODE_HELICOPTER";"Exit selected weapon mode"
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_CANNON_HELICOPTER";"Switch selected weapon to guns"
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_ROCKET_HELICOPTER";"Switch selected weapon to missiles"
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_BOMB_HELICOPTER";"Switch selected weapon to bombs"re primary weapons "
"hotkeys/ID_FIRE_PRIMARY_HELICOPTER";"Fire primary weapons "
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_PRIMARY";"Swith primary weapons "
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_SECONDARY";"Swith secondary weapons "
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_PRIMARY_HELICOPTER";"Swith primary weapons "
"hotkeys/ID_SWITCH_SHOOTING_CYCLE_SECONDARY_HELICOPTER";"Swith secondary weapons "
New menu lines:
"item/chance";"Drop chance"
New events:
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_arcade";"Ground Arcade Battles"
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_arcade/desc";"Tank Arcade Battles is a mode that includes ground vehicles and the possible use of aviation through a system of game events. Markers are used in this mode above both allies and enemies. Vehicle mobility characteristics are better than in Realistic mode. Vehicles of any nation may be present in a team. The maximum number of respawns in a battle is 3."
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_historical";"Ground Realistic Battles"
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_historical/desc";"Ground Vehicle Realistic Battles is a mode that includes both ground vehicles and aviation. Special spawn points are used in this mode, which are accrued for successful actions in a battle and are spent on subsequent respawns on ground vehicles or aircraft. The number of points received at the beginning of the battle allows you to run ground vehicles. Markers are only used to indicate allies. Vehicle characteristics are as close as possible to the real ones. Vehicles of one or more nations may be present in a team, only the battles with two participating nations are possible."
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_historical";"Ground Realistic Battles"
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_historical/desc";"Ground Vehicle Realistic Battles is a mode that includes both ground vehicles and aviation. Special spawn points are used in this mode, which are accrued for successful actions in a battle and are spent on subsequent respawns on ground vehicles or aircraft. The number of points received at the beginning of the battle allows you to run ground vehicles. Markers are only used to indicate allies. Vehicle characteristics are as close as possible to the real ones. Vehicles of one or more nations may be present in a team, only the battles with two participating nations are possible."
"missions/tank_event_in_random_battles_simulator";"Ground Simulator Battles"
Aleutian Islands added to lang files.
New UI messages:
"HUD/TXT_WEAPON_LOCK_NO_WEAPON";"No self-homing missiles  "
"HUD/WEAPON_SELECTION_OFF";"Weapon selection off"
"HUD/CURRENT_SELECTED_WEAPON";"Weapon Cycle Mode is now: "
New vehicles:
P-40F-5 Lafayette (FR)
Tier II
2.3 / 2.3 / 2.7
850 GE
Jaguar A (FR)
Tier VI
10.0 / 10.0 / 9.7
After the Étendard.
11x 250 kg SAMP Type 25 bomb
8x 400 kg SAMP Type 21 bomb

2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

2x AS.30 Nord ASM

108x SNEB Type 23 rocket

144x SNEB Type 23 rocket

9x 250 kg SAMP Type 25 bomb + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

8x 400 kg SAMP Type 21 bomb + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

72x SNEB Type 23 rocket + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

72x SNEB Type 23 rocket + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

16x TBA DEM rockets

16x TBA ECC rockets

8x TBA DEM rockets + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

16x TBA Multi-Dart 100 AB rockets

8x TBA Multi-Dart 100 AB rockets + 2x Matra R550 Magic 1 AAM

New loadouts:

Jaguar GR.1

6x Bomb, 1000lb, GP, Mk. I + 2x AIM-9G

2x AIM-9G Sidewinder AAM (instead of AIM-9B)


Max Strekalovskyi in War Thunder Chat
7x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb

6x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb + 2x AIM-9G

38x CRV7 M247 + 2x AIM-9G


2x R-3R + 2x R-3S

2x R-3R + 2x R-60

New modifications:
"modification/type_86_turret_improvement";"ZBD86 Late"
"modification/uk_mk_n1_540lb";"Mk.N1 540lb"
"modification/uk_mk_10_1000lb";"Mk.10 1000lb"
"modification/fr_lr_100_4";"LR 100-4"
"modification/uk_lau_5003b_a";"LAU-5003 B/A"
New weapons:
"weapons/uk_540lbs";"Mk.M1 540 lb bomb"
"weapons/fr_tba_ecc";"TBA ECC rockets"
"weapons/fr_tba_multidart_ab";"TBA Multi-Dart 100 AB rockets"
"weapons/us_aim9g_sidewinder";"AIM-9G Sidewinder air-to-air missiles"
"weapons/120mm_10th_Year_type_user_cannon";"120 mm 12th Year Type cannon"
New attachables:
New game setting: pc_xboxOne_only_events, unavailable on PS4 and Android.
New game setting: ShowDropChanceInTrophy, only visible to devs and testers.
PBJ-1J and H switched places.
Jaguar GR. 1 – statcard fixed.
Thunderbolt Mk. I – engine model fixed.
T-69 II G is now from Bangladesh.
Statcard fixes to ships.
Strv 104 – received its statcard and tech tree image.
Dead tanks no longer remain on the battlefield.
New sounds:
A-4B, B-57B, Bf 110G-2, Do 217E-2, Do 217E-4, Do 217K-1, Do 217M-1, F-4E, F-4EJ, G.91 R/3, G8N1, Ki-67-I ko, Ki-67-I otsu, Super Mystére, P-108 (both), PBY-5, A 32A, J 29B, J 28B, Vautour 2A (both), Sea Hawk Mk. 100, Wellington (GER), Z.1007 (both) – icons on the loadout screen fixed.
Both Jaguars received CCIP for rockets, bombs and guns.
R-3R nerfed.
AIM-7C – max mach: 2.0 → 3.0, max range: 12 km → 15 km, max launch angle: 15° → 25°.
AIM-7D – max distance: 26 km → 45 km, max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 20 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
AIM-7E – max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 30 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
Added ammo DMs to almost all of the tanks.
CM-25 – now can't shoot with a broken barrel.
US tank horsepower nerf reverted.
Chi-Ha LG – gun rotation speed: 6°/s → 10°/s, elevation speed: 4°/s → 6.5°/s, gun depression: -10° → -8°
They screwed up the Type 90's smokes the same way as the last time.
CV 90120 – received LWR as Tier IV mod.
Strv 104 – MG changed: 8 mm Ksp m/39B → 7.62 mm Ksp m/39, horsepower: 650 → 750, max RPM: 2550 → 2400, last forward gear is now longer.
T-72B3 – ERA is now hidable in X-ray, MG changed: 12.7 NSVT → 12.7 mm 6P50 Kord


Kfub in War Thunder Chat
Ты думаешь есть огонь по союзникам торпедами в биатлоне?
а нахера их ввели тупые улитки я не понимаю


Lya in War Thunder Chat
лутбоксам прикрутили показ шанса дропа походу


Безалкогольный Кефир... in War Thunder Chat


Серёжа in War Thunder Chat
Max Strekalovskyi
7x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb

6x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb + 2x AIM-9G

38x CRV7 M247 + 2x AIM-9G


2x R-3R + 2x R-3S

2x R-3R + 2x R-60

New modifications:
"modification/type_86_turret_improvement";"ZBD86 Late"
"modification/uk_mk_n1_540lb";"Mk.N1 540lb"
"modification/uk_mk_10_1000lb";"Mk.10 1000lb"
"modification/fr_lr_100_4";"LR 100-4"
"modification/uk_lau_5003b_a";"LAU-5003 B/A"
New weapons:
"weapons/uk_540lbs";"Mk.M1 540 lb bomb"
"weapons/fr_tba_ecc";"TBA ECC rockets"
"weapons/fr_tba_multidart_ab";"TBA Multi-Dart 100 AB rockets"
"weapons/us_aim9g_sidewinder";"AIM-9G Sidewinder air-to-air missiles"
"weapons/120mm_10th_Year_type_user_cannon";"120 mm 12th Year Type cannon"
New attachables:
New game setting: pc_xboxOne_only_events, unavailable on PS4 and Android.
New game setting: ShowDropChanceInTrophy, only visible to devs and testers.
PBJ-1J and H switched places.
Jaguar GR. 1 – statcard fixed.
Thunderbolt Mk. I – engine model fixed.
T-69 II G is now from Bangladesh.
Statcard fixes to ships.
Strv 104 – received its statcard and tech tree image.
Dead tanks no longer remain on the battlefield.
New sounds:
A-4B, B-57B, Bf 110G-2, Do 217E-2, Do 217E-4, Do 217K-1, Do 217M-1, F-4E, F-4EJ, G.91 R/3, G8N1, Ki-67-I ko, Ki-67-I otsu, Super Mystére, P-108 (both), PBY-5, A 32A, J 29B, J 28B, Vautour 2A (both), Sea Hawk Mk. 100, Wellington (GER), Z.1007 (both) – icons on the loadout screen fixed.
Both Jaguars received CCIP for rockets, bombs and guns.
R-3R nerfed.
AIM-7C – max mach: 2.0 → 3.0, max range: 12 km → 15 km, max launch angle: 15° → 25°.
AIM-7D – max distance: 26 km → 45 km, max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 20 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
AIM-7E – max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 30 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
Added ammo DMs to almost all of the tanks.
CM-25 – now can't shoot with a broken barrel.
US tank horsepower nerf reverted.
Chi-Ha LG – gun rotation speed: 6°/s → 10°/s, elevation speed: 4°/s → 6.5°/s, gun depression: -10° → -8°
They screwed up the Type 90's smokes the same way as the last time.
CV 90120 – received LWR as Tier IV mod.
Strv 104 – MG changed: 8 mm Ksp m/39B → 7.62 mm Ksp m/39, horsepower: 650 → 750, max RPM: 2550 → 2400, last forward gear is now longer.
T-72B3 – ERA is now hidable in X-ray, MG changed: 12.7 NSVT → 12.7 mm 6P50 Kord
Что все это выше значит ?