7x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb
6x Mk.M1 540 lb bomb + 2x AIM-9G
38x CRV7 M247 + 2x AIM-9G
2x R-3R + 2x R-3S
2x R-3R + 2x R-60
New modifications:
"modification/type_86_turret_improvement";"ZBD86 Late"
"modification/uk_mk_n1_540lb";"Mk.N1 540lb"
"modification/uk_mk_10_1000lb";"Mk.10 1000lb"
"modification/fr_lr_100_4";"LR 100-4"
"modification/uk_lau_5003b_a";"LAU-5003 B/A"
New weapons:
"weapons/uk_540lbs";"Mk.M1 540 lb bomb"
"weapons/fr_tba_ecc";"TBA ECC rockets"
"weapons/fr_tba_multidart_ab";"TBA Multi-Dart 100 AB rockets"
"weapons/us_aim9g_sidewinder";"AIM-9G Sidewinder air-to-air missiles"
"weapons/120mm_10th_Year_type_user_cannon";"120 mm 12th Year Type cannon"
New attachables:
New game setting: pc_xboxOne_only_events, unavailable on PS4 and Android.
New game setting: ShowDropChanceInTrophy, only visible to devs and testers.
PBJ-1J and H switched places.
Jaguar GR. 1 – statcard fixed.
Thunderbolt Mk. I – engine model fixed.
T-69 II G is now from Bangladesh.
Statcard fixes to ships.
Strv 104 – received its statcard and tech tree image.
Dead tanks no longer remain on the battlefield.
New sounds:
A-4B, B-57B, Bf 110G-2, Do 217E-2, Do 217E-4, Do 217K-1, Do 217M-1, F-4E, F-4EJ, G.91 R/3, G8N1, Ki-67-I ko, Ki-67-I otsu, Super Mystére, P-108 (both), PBY-5, A 32A, J 29B, J 28B, Vautour 2A (both), Sea Hawk Mk. 100, Wellington (GER), Z.1007 (both) – icons on the loadout screen fixed.
Both Jaguars received CCIP for rockets, bombs and guns.
R-3R nerfed.
AIM-7C – max mach: 2.0 → 3.0, max range: 12 km → 15 km, max launch angle: 15° → 25°.
AIM-7D – max distance: 26 km → 45 km, max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 20 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
AIM-7E – max mach 2.0 → 4.0, max range: 12 km → 30 km, max launch angle: 15° → 45°.
Added ammo DMs to almost all of the tanks.
CM-25 – now can't shoot with a broken barrel.
US tank horsepower nerf reverted.
Chi-Ha LG – gun rotation speed: 6°/s → 10°/s, elevation speed: 4°/s → 6.5°/s, gun depression: -10° → -8°
They screwed up the Type 90's smokes the same way as the last time.
CV 90120 – received LWR as Tier IV mod.
Strv 104 – MG changed: 8 mm Ksp m/39B → 7.62 mm Ksp m/39, horsepower: 650 → 750, max RPM: 2550 → 2400, last forward gear is now longer.
T-72B3 – ERA is now hidable in X-ray, MG changed: 12.7 NSVT → 12.7 mm 6P50 Kord