Good morning, everyone. I am so glad to be here. I am looking for a place to work and enhance my experience in the field of web development. I am familiar with Basics of this Tech. Html, Css, Php, Laravel....But I really need some work experience in teamwork and real projects. I have completed some projects in Procedural PHP and Laravel Framework. But I am required more [опыт работы 😊] to find job. Can I find a job vacancy here.? Please help. Спасибо.
Assalomu alekum hammaga Windows 10 boyicha #savol boridi #help blue Screen judayam kop chiqvotti shuni yechimini biladiganla bosa etvorila oldindan rahmat
Assalomu alekum hammaga Windows 10 boyicha #savol boridi #help blue Screen judayam kop chiqvotti shuni yechimini biladiganla bosa etvorila oldindan rahmat
Assalomu alekum hammaga Windows 10 boyicha #savol boridi #help blue Screen judayam kop chiqvotti shuni yechimini biladiganla bosa etvorila oldindan rahmat
Assalomu alekum hammaga Windows 10 boyicha #savol boridi #help blue Screen judayam kop chiqvotti shuni yechimini biladiganla bosa etvorila oldindan rahmat
rahmat nu agar har safar blue screen da Stop code har xil chiqvotgan bosachi (naprimer manda shunaqa boldi i har safar komp ozi yongan bosa bu safar power dan bosib turib ochirishga tori keldi )
rahmat nu agar har safar blue screen da Stop code har xil chiqvotgan bosachi (naprimer manda shunaqa boldi i har safar komp ozi yongan bosa bu safar power dan bosib turib ochirishga tori keldi )