We want to inform you that
from 01.02
every investor, who share his payment proof from us
in TELEGRAM chats of this
So dear users , today we replace trustmonitoring chat , with 2 new chats !
-Invest tracing
https://t.me/investtracinggroup-Profit hunters
http://t.me/profithuntersgroup-Fair monitor chat -
https://t.me/fairmonitor_chat-SharkBusiness chat -
https://t.me/SharksBusiness-Kiskin house chat -
https://t.me/kiskinhouse-Hyip Hunter chat -
https://t.me/hyiphunter_chat..will receive 0.4 $ as bonus
for sharing each of your payment proof !!
In total, possible to get 2.4$ FREE EACH DAY !!
Each investor can share his payment proof 1 time a day on all this 6 chats.
To do this, you can send to our email
screenshot with your shared payment proof in some of this chats (or all chats ) + your username
and we will credit the bonus in few hours !
Enjoy !