The whole thing: https://www.matichon.co.th/politics/news_2088617
Emergency Directive ... effective 26 May-30 April First Order .. under constant review.
Abstracted from Thai government broadcast
Summary points:
Existing provincial systems and restrictions remain.
Can be enhanced locally subject to Provincial Governor
No entering thailand with the exception of thai citizens, who need a fit to fly certificate
Internal flights unaffected but with additional screening
Goods in and out unaffected
No large gatherings
No fake news
Government officers to prepare eg registration of healthcare professionals, healthcare establishments etc
If situation worsens directives will be strengthened to be a direct order rather than a strong recommendation.
People should to stay at home especially people older than 70 or health issues, children less than 5 yrs unless for essential travel.
Travel to other provinces should not be undertaken unless important
Checks will be undertaken at provincial borders eg temperature check, reason for travel, social distancing, the phone monitoring application maybe required, id is essential.
Mask wearing mandatory
Quarantine for 14 days may be required if high temperature detected.
Necessary travel only is allowed
Factories, banks, atm, takeaway food outlets, dept stores open for food and essential products, pharmacies, hospitals, online delivery, factories all allowed
No curfew at this first order, but will review by 30 April.
Essentially existing situation with some additional travel restrictions within thailand, very restricted for travel into thailand itself, increased levels of checking.
The first Order will be reviewed and if the covid situation deteriorates further, more restrictive Orders will be introduced.