We always wondered what the limit of the HOPR network might be. Seems that an instant jolt of over 2000 nodes attempting to join the network was a bit too much, for ourselves and BSC's endpoint node.
We always wondered what the limit of the HOPR network might be. Seems that an instant jolt of over 2000 nodes attempting to join the network was a bit too much, for ourselves and BSC's endpoint node.
Ага, только что тоже увидел анонс. Это трешак. По 25 баксов максимум..
We always wondered what the limit of the HOPR network might be. Seems that an instant jolt of over 2000 nodes attempting to join the network was a bit too much, for ourselves and BSC's endpoint node.
Та ну, с копейками этими связываться.. Потом еще на пачку адресов эфир рассылать для вывода на один кошель, потом токены в кучку собирать... Куча эфира насмарку..
We always wondered what the limit of the HOPR network might be. Seems that an instant jolt of over 2000 nodes attempting to join the network was a bit too much, for ourselves and BSC's endpoint node.