Total raised: $200,000
Price per PROS: $0,05
Released on listing: 15% (600,000 PROS)
Vesting schedule: 9,44% per month
Total raised: $400,000
Price per PROS: $0,07
Released on listing: 20% (1,142,800 PROS)
Vesting schedule: 12% over 6 months, last month — 8%
Total raised: $300,000
Price per PROS: $0,1
Released on listing: 33% (990,000 PROS, Reduced from 50%)
Vesting schedule: 10% over 6 months, last month — 7%
Public presale
Total raised: $50,000
Price per PROS: $0,1
Released on listing: 50% (250,000 PROS)
Vesting schedule: 20% per month, last month — 10%
Total amount of tokens to be released from private funding rounds on day 1 of listing: 2,982,800 PROS