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2020 March 20


Какой-то Мудак in Sherlock Club
не переживай,я еще на твоих поминках тост задвину))
Кисель с булками


bigstrongboy in Sherlock Club
Какой-то Мудак
Кисель с булками
а это я на твоих приготовлю


AB CryptoLamer in Sherlock Club
Какой-то Мудак
Кисель с булками
Я не виноват, что ты жрешь в пятерочке и довел себя до такого состояния.


AB CryptoLamer in Sherlock Club
а это я на твоих приготовлю
Отец, не кашляй!


bigstrongboy in Sherlock Club
2020 March 21


stsoen in Sherlock Club
AB CryptoLamer
В Телеграме появилась мгновенная оплата по России

В мессенджер добавили функцию распознавания номеров банковских карт. При нажатии на номер карты автоматически формируется платёжная ссылка на Яндекс.Деньги.
а как же TON?!


stsoen in Sherlock Club
Мне Пашка эфирку торчит, еще по курсу 1000+


Какой-то Мудак in Sherlock Club
Мне Пашка эфирку торчит, еще по курсу 1000+
Я тоже ЕТН по 1000 торчу))


AB CryptoLamer in Sherlock Club
Обвал экосистемы DeFi во время кризиса. Аукционы Maker DAO

Поговорили с @CryptoLamer о последствиях экономического кризиса на всей экосистеме DeFi, как обнулялись залоги на Maker, отказывали оракулы и росли flash loans на Aave.

Полезные ссылки:
Аукционы Maker DAO
Описание процедуры печатания и продажи MKR
Как ДеФи переживал черную пятницу


stsoen in Sherlock Club
​​Perlin didn't cure cancer 😷

PERL didn't cure corona either. Here is a mind-blowing update from the infamous moneygrab. I am bored, so FUD included.

First, in short ❌ PERL IS REKT AF

1] Tech team could not complete mainnet on time
2] Mainnet will probably never be completed
3] Thus, PERL will remain as an ERC20 shitcoin
4] Kenta leaves the CTO position, goodbye
5] Perlin will be doing enterprise stuff (LOOOL)

The story 🤐

2018: Started as a hackathon idea, it's believed that Perlin got funding committments months before there was any team. Dorjee (CEO) grabbed Kenta Iwasaki (CTO) - a brilliant developer - from one of the ETH events somewhere around spring time 2018. That being said, FBG somehow invested in December the year before that, in 2017. Anyway, settled on changing the world with the highest TPS blockchain, it was the time when fundraising was still booming. It was the CryptoBriefing magnificent code review that fostered insane hype around the SAFTs, and trapped many plebs during the summer of 2018. Pool of a pool, friend of a friend, and dozens of millions of USD are in the pocket. Going on to raise multiple valuations screwing over everybody they could, left investors breathing in relief when PERL finally got liquidity... stretched over 2 centuries, but liquidity nonentheless.

Counless battles on twitter with Emin over Avalanche and Snowflake, multiple fundraising rounds, disappearing team, hired family members, and more... That's what it ended up as. Perlin has left a footprint in the history of projects. There have been multiple rumours which are okay to talk about now as it seems, here are some of them:

- 2c seed round for FBG & Co, which was promised by Dorjee to not be the case; -> true
- His family member hired for a high position and getting huge paychecks; -> unclear
- Team leaving due to corruptness and inability to function as a company; -> true
🙄 smh what else do you need

I think this is one of the rare occasions when sending a crypto dude to jail is actually okay 😂 Fraud all across the board, to be honest. It's okay to not always accomplish big dreams, it's okay to lay off and pivot. But it's not okay when there are only lies. There was no tech delivered, no transaprency, no adoption. And no coin going up kek.

PS: Stay safu and please do social distancing. Get yourself Oculus Quest so we can play paintball and jerk each other off in VR.


stsoen in Sherlock Club
так вот почему перлин планомерно укатывался


AB CryptoLamer in Sherlock Club
​​Perlin didn't cure cancer 😷

PERL didn't cure corona either. Here is a mind-blowing update from the infamous moneygrab. I am bored, so FUD included.

First, in short ❌ PERL IS REKT AF

1] Tech team could not complete mainnet on time
2] Mainnet will probably never be completed
3] Thus, PERL will remain as an ERC20 shitcoin
4] Kenta leaves the CTO position, goodbye
5] Perlin will be doing enterprise stuff (LOOOL)

The story 🤐

2018: Started as a hackathon idea, it's believed that Perlin got funding committments months before there was any team. Dorjee (CEO) grabbed Kenta Iwasaki (CTO) - a brilliant developer - from one of the ETH events somewhere around spring time 2018. That being said, FBG somehow invested in December the year before that, in 2017. Anyway, settled on changing the world with the highest TPS blockchain, it was the time when fundraising was still booming. It was the CryptoBriefing magnificent code review that fostered insane hype around the SAFTs, and trapped many plebs during the summer of 2018. Pool of a pool, friend of a friend, and dozens of millions of USD are in the pocket. Going on to raise multiple valuations screwing over everybody they could, left investors breathing in relief when PERL finally got liquidity... stretched over 2 centuries, but liquidity nonentheless.

Counless battles on twitter with Emin over Avalanche and Snowflake, multiple fundraising rounds, disappearing team, hired family members, and more... That's what it ended up as. Perlin has left a footprint in the history of projects. There have been multiple rumours which are okay to talk about now as it seems, here are some of them:

- 2c seed round for FBG & Co, which was promised by Dorjee to not be the case; -> true
- His family member hired for a high position and getting huge paychecks; -> unclear
- Team leaving due to corruptness and inability to function as a company; -> true
🙄 smh what else do you need

I think this is one of the rare occasions when sending a crypto dude to jail is actually okay 😂 Fraud all across the board, to be honest. It's okay to not always accomplish big dreams, it's okay to lay off and pivot. But it's not okay when there are only lies. There was no tech delivered, no transaprency, no adoption. And no coin going up kek.

PS: Stay safu and please do social distancing. Get yourself Oculus Quest so we can play paintball and jerk each other off in VR.
@ivangbi ты проплаченный кремлебот! Кто заплатит тебе, чтобы ты укатал столь бесценный проект? Не верю ни единому слову! Где пруфы? Сколько можно фейковых набросов в сторону великолепной команды? #sarcasm


@IvanGBi | no DMs in Sherlock Club


@IvanGBi | no DMs in Sherlock Club
Не вышло 🙄


Artem K in Sherlock Club
только профессор можно реализовать аваланч


mex in Sherlock Club
​​Perlin didn't cure cancer 😷

PERL didn't cure corona either. Here is a mind-blowing update from the infamous moneygrab. I am bored, so FUD included.

First, in short ❌ PERL IS REKT AF

1] Tech team could not complete mainnet on time
2] Mainnet will probably never be completed
3] Thus, PERL will remain as an ERC20 shitcoin
4] Kenta leaves the CTO position, goodbye
5] Perlin will be doing enterprise stuff (LOOOL)

The story 🤐

2018: Started as a hackathon idea, it's believed that Perlin got funding committments months before there was any team. Dorjee (CEO) grabbed Kenta Iwasaki (CTO) - a brilliant developer - from one of the ETH events somewhere around spring time 2018. That being said, FBG somehow invested in December the year before that, in 2017. Anyway, settled on changing the world with the highest TPS blockchain, it was the time when fundraising was still booming. It was the CryptoBriefing magnificent code review that fostered insane hype around the SAFTs, and trapped many plebs during the summer of 2018. Pool of a pool, friend of a friend, and dozens of millions of USD are in the pocket. Going on to raise multiple valuations screwing over everybody they could, left investors breathing in relief when PERL finally got liquidity... stretched over 2 centuries, but liquidity nonentheless.

Counless battles on twitter with Emin over Avalanche and Snowflake, multiple fundraising rounds, disappearing team, hired family members, and more... That's what it ended up as. Perlin has left a footprint in the history of projects. There have been multiple rumours which are okay to talk about now as it seems, here are some of them:

- 2c seed round for FBG & Co, which was promised by Dorjee to not be the case; -> true
- His family member hired for a high position and getting huge paychecks; -> unclear
- Team leaving due to corruptness and inability to function as a company; -> true
🙄 smh what else do you need

I think this is one of the rare occasions when sending a crypto dude to jail is actually okay 😂 Fraud all across the board, to be honest. It's okay to not always accomplish big dreams, it's okay to lay off and pivot. But it's not okay when there are only lies. There was no tech delivered, no transaprency, no adoption. And no coin going up kek.

PS: Stay safu and please do social distancing. Get yourself Oculus Quest so we can play paintball and jerk each other off in VR.
Сказочные долбоебы... Как они на ланчпад-то к сизому пролезли? Разве что через постель 😁


Какой-то Мудак in Sherlock Club
Сказочные долбоебы... Как они на ланчпад-то к сизому пролезли? Разве что через постель 😁
Ты же не думаешь что там реально кто-то какой-то анализ проекта проводит перед тем как взять на лаунчпад?)


@IvanGBi | no DMs in Sherlock Club
Какой-то Мудак
Ты же не думаешь что там реально кто-то какой-то анализ проекта проводит перед тем как взять на лаунчпад?)
Правда проводят, и нормально так. Я хз зачем винить кого-то, или ты еще на фонды бочку катишь?)


@IvanGBi | no DMs in Sherlock Club
Фондов нет, вс дефолтнулись почти что. Все деньги ЛП потеряны везде (и хедж фонды, и исо фонды, и так далее). Некого винить, все умерли


Какой-то Мудак in Sherlock Club
@IvanGBi | no DMs
Правда проводят, и нормально так. Я хз зачем винить кого-то, или ты еще на фонды бочку катишь?)
Если они проводят ресёрчи - каким боком ЛТО вообще попало на голосование листинга