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12:36:29 alex19EP | hello someone sent me this: https://non.tuxfamily.org/wiki/2021-02-07%20Linux%20Audio%20is%20Dead can you give any comments or links to
| the other side of the conflict?
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12:46:28 dvzrv | lol
12:46:45 dvzrv | I really wish the tuxfamily people would nuke that crap
12:47:04 dvzrv | that guy is unfortunately a complete psychopath
12:47:40 alex19EP | hmmm...
12:48:16 dvzrv | as you can guess from that article not providing any sources for anything, it is a very one-sided rant
12:48:46 dvzrv | conveniently he deleted all of his mailing lists and all of his source code after it became apparent that noone was rooting for his
| bullshit
12:49:10 dvzrv | you can find more info on the linux-audio-developer mailing list
12:49:21 dvzrv | there were also some reddit topics recooking that topic
12:49:23 dvzrv | gimme a sec
12:49:47 dvzrv | I really wish I would not have to spend any more time on this useless crap to be quite frank though
12:49:53 dvzrv | ate weeks of this year already
12:49:58 dvzrv | for no reason
12:50:48 dvzrv | https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxaudio/search/?q=non&restrict_sr=1
12:51:21 dvzrv | https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxaudio/comments/ohoe8h/non_author_makes_announcement_about_fakenon/
12:51:58 dvzrv | most notably: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxaudio/comments/ohoe8h/non_author_makes_announcement_about_fakenon/h4r9ym8/?context=3
12:52:55 dvzrv | the author of the original software was basically impossible to work with (insulted contributors on a regular basis, then deleted the
| evidence for that from e.g. his github project's pull requests and issues)
12:53:25 dvzrv | after it was forked he went full blown apeshit crazy and tried this entire tirade to try and discredit anyone (even marginally involved)
12:53:42 alex19EP | yep i understand. sorry for bringing it up I just saw your name in the article and realized that something is definitely wrong here.
12:53:53 dvzrv | in that communication the blame shifted from person to person (so on a daily basis someone else was the "bad guy")
12:54:06 dvzrv | filipe coelho basically got hate mail on a daily basis for this crap
12:54:30 dvzrv | and some asshole from the netherlands tried to get him fired from his job by trying to blackmail the CEO of the company
12:54:40 dvzrv | it's all fairly well documented by now
12:55:41 alex19EP | oo. hmm ... it's sad to read this.
12:55:51 dvzrv | what was most fucked up about all this is that people in jonathan's posse tried to further the notion of some form of "conspiracy" to
| annex all pro-audio software on linux or some insane crap like that
12:56:21 dvzrv | yeah, it was certainly pretty crazy and not a very pleasant experience
12:57:05 dvzrv | I was actually thinking of writing to the tuxfamily people to get rid of that crap, because it is a) super one-sided and b) full of lies
12:57:44 dvzrv | but yeah, if you are up for an insane read through it, the links to the mailing list are in the reddit thread above :D
13:00:15 alex19EP | I will send I will send our correspondence in response to the person who sent me this link and I'll see it myself. thanks for answers.
13:00:36 alex19EP | well, yes. I also think it's better to delete this article.